kasturi college of management

Kasturi College is a leading education institution of Koshi Province managed by the team of experienced education professionals and was established nearly three decades ago. The core objective of the institution is to provide students with academic programmes from pre–school to high school to university. I attribute the success of the institutions to the hard work, dedication and commitment of our teachers, admin staff and leadership team and trust and support of parents, students and other stakeholders.

During this long academic journey, thousands of students have graduated from Kasturi College. In the constantly changing context brought about by digital technology, uncertainty and global competitiveness, I have realized that our teachers require upskilling on a constant basis, operation model needs new strategy and infrastructure and facilities demand refurbishment. Therefore, we will focus our resources on building a strong leadership team, training and developing teachers and enhancing the facilities so that the institution is adequately equipped, and able to produce graduates who are globally competitive, adaptable and lifelong learners.

I would like to assure that Kasturi College is the place where students achieve not only their academic ambition but also nurture their potential to become a better human being.

Kamalesh Sharma Poudel